Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research is an online international journal to promote all fields of Chemical Sciences like Organic Chemistry, Green Chemistry, Photochemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry, Biochemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Agricultural and Soil Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Macromolecular Chemistry, Petroleum Chemistry, Forensic Chemistry and Phytochemistry as well as all aspects of Chemical Engineering etc. rss//rss/jocpr-volume-14-issue-10-year-2022.xml Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research Volume 14, Issue 10 Nanomaterials in Biomedical Science and Potential Applications Sangeetha Naveen*, Vishnu Vardhan P The first experiment in Morocco to demineralize brackish surface water by reverse osmosis Mariem Ennouhi, Abderrahim Khadir, Lahcen Hasnaoui, Abderrahim El Hourch, Mohammed Elazzouzi Comparative analysis and impact assessment on the electricity price of traditional carbon capture methods and that of direct precipitation of CO2 with the addition of CaOH2 in the scope of a case study in Shenzhen Tongxin Wu Determining the Impact of Caffeine Concentrations on Betta splendens Andrew Lee, Ryan W Cheng, John Heslar Optimization of Immediate Release Newer Version of Aripiprazole 30 mg Tablet using BoxBehnken Design Anwar Khan, Md Sabir Alam, Md Faheem Khan, Mohsin Ali Khan, Rupa Gupta