Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2010 Vol: 2 Issue: 5

Utilization in agricultural and related fields; a better alternative for ecofriendly maintenance of Coal Fly Ash


With the rising energy demand and dependence on coal for power generation management of large volumes of coal fly ash (CFA) produced in thermal power plants is one of the challenging issues to the country along with other environmental aspects. An ecofriendly solution of the problem is the logical necessity of today. After the large scale efforts at various levels in India the percent utilization of total generated CFA of thermal power plants is increasing. Researches till date show that it has immense potentiality in agriculture and related fields as an additive or soil ameliorating material which is a promising indication for sustainable growth and development for a country like India and ecofriendly maintenance of CFA generated in large volumes in such an economic way. The present paper deals with various aspects of utilization of CFA in agriculture and related fields.

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