Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2014 Vol: 6 Issue: 7

Urban women sports goods consumption market research and analysis


Through the investigation of urban women sports consumption situation, to study consumption concept and of the dealer sales strategy for the purpose, and the integrated use of literature, questionnaire, interview and data statistics analysis of the article. This results show that stores the merits of the sports goods sales strategy for women's sports goods consumption level influence dominated. In addition, the age of the women surveyed structure, income level and consumption habits of the influence of the sports goods consumption also occupies a certain proportion, the young and middle-aged women sports consumption value proportion is the largest. Conclusion is that women in the channels of sports consumption, consumption population and shopping site selection is still there are some unreasonable, that merchants on the sales strategy needs to be improved. Suggest merchants should be reasonable to optimize product sales strategy, according to the different age, different classes of women consumers to formulate the corresponding marketing strategy, so as to correctly guide women sports consumption, to improve the quality and level of sports consumption.

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