Original Articles: 2011 Vol: 3 Issue: 6
The Microbiological Quality of Fruit Containing Soft Drinks from Chennai
The soft drinks sector is one of the fastest growing, most innovative and rapidly changing areas of the food and drink industry. From high energy to no / low sugar, functional to long life, carbonated or still, soft drinks and their assosiative preservative and packaging systems have their own microbiological issues.many have adapted to growing in the unusual environment within a beverage factory and can be extremely difficult to remove once established. Many micro organisms are found in soft drinks as environmental or raw material contaminants, but relatively few can grow within the acidic or low oxygen environment. Yeasts are the most significant group of micro organisms associated wih the spoilage of soft drinks and fruit juices. Spoilage will be seen as the growth and production of metabolic by products, e.g co2, acid and tainting compounds. Most spoilage is therefore by yeasts and mold species, with yeasts most important and some spoilage is by tolerant bacteria. Bacteria that has been associated with spoilage in the soft drinks industry include Acetobacter, Alicyclobacillus, Bacillus, Clostridium, Gluconobacter, Lactobacillus, Leuconostoc, Saccharobacter, Zymobacter and Zymomonas. Gluconobacter is a common agent of fruits. It is a strict arobe requiring free oxygen. E.coli and Enterococci have been isolated from citrus juices, apple juice and have been associated with Cryptosporiadiosis. Contamination by hepatitis A and Norwalk like viruses have been reported in the fruit juices. The aim of this study is to isolate and identify the microorganism from the soft drinks.