Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2014 Vol: 6 Issue: 7

The innovation of college sports professional tennis teaching under the theory of multiple intelligences


From the perspective of multiple intelligences theo ry innovation in college sports, professional tenni s teaching should at least include teaching philosophy, teachi ng objectives, teaching content, teaching methods, teaching evaluation of five parts. The changing of the conce pt of teaching should pay attention to teaching dem ocracy, personalized, and diversified teaching in order to promote all-round development of students. Also, th e teaching should aim at cultivating the students' basic knowl edge and basic skills, and promote students' health , the pursuit of practicality, sustainability. All of these will mee t the target which based on the needs of expansion body, multiple intelligences in training objectives, the tennis te aching process, in order to prepare for the part, b asic part and the end part of the contents. In all, these will promot e the overall development of students and combine w ith the multiple intelligence theory, and apply the intelligence int o the tennis teaching method.

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