Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2013 Vol: 5 Issue: 11

The establishment of the assessment system of large-scale medical equipment allocation


Aim to design and establish large-scale medical equipment allocation assessment system, build the mathematical model of the allocation of large-scale medical equipment in the hospital, providing theoretical basis for the hospital medical equipment allocation. Methods Based on the Lorenz Curve and gini coefficient and the theory of queuing, make a comprehensive evaluation of large medical equipment allocation in medical institutions, to weight each index using the Delphi method and weight allocation method, and find out the main influencing factors, building a mathematical model in fairness, objectivity, equipment using efficiency as the planning objectives. Conclusion to make equipment allocation optimized, decision makers should refer to the output of the mathematical model and consider comprehensively combining with the experience of managing managers, then formulate scientific and rational decision scheme.

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