Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2014 Vol: 6 Issue: 6

The comparative analysis different body fat percent (fat%) and physical characteristics of male students in college


The object is to make a study about body functions, quality and physical health evaluation level of male students in college with various level of Fat%. Methods: Compare and analyze the body functions and physical health evaluation level of 271 male students from Zhejiang University with various level of Fat%, chosen by random sampling. Results: There are obvious differences in body functions and quality among male students in college with various level of Fat%. The higher Fat% group has the best index of vital capacity and grip strength, but students with lower Fat% are obviously better in the other body functions and quality than students with normal, higher and obese Fat%. Meanwhile, the group with normal Fat% is obviously better than the higher and obese Fat% group. Lower Fat% group has the highest percentage (61.6%) of physical health evaluation level which is above good, and the lowest one is the obese Fat% group (6.3%). However, the obese Fat% group has the highest failure rates (50%) of physical health evaluation level, and the lower Fat% group is the lowest (2.9%).Conclusion: excessive Fat% will affect physical health of male students in college.

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