Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2017 Vol: 9 Issue: 3

Study the Relationship between the Concentration of Minerals and Joints Pain


To study the relationship between the high level of electrolytes (sodium and potassium, and calcium) in the blood and the joints pain, as well as to see if we can consider that rise is acting a reason to feel this type of pains, and to study other factors could playing a role in the raising of electrolytes level such as age, weight, and infection with some other diseases ; the concentration of these electrolytes have been measured in the serum of patients whom suffer from joints pain, where this research was done in Imam Hussein Medical city, Hussein General Hospital, Karbala, Iraq. When we comparing the obtained results for patients with the results of healthy individuals samples we have noticed abnormal levels (in rising levels) of these electrolytes in patients who suffer from pain in the joints and we have found that the result was affected by weight of patients and also in presence of other diseases factor such as blood pressure, Also we have not noticed any effect of the age factor on the results.

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