Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2014 Vol: 6 Issue: 7

Study on regional logistics system and logistics park planning system


The trend of Modern logistics’ development displays features such as globalization and socialization. In order to keep up with this trend, countries worldwide have establ ished their own logistic system platforms as an imp ortant way to strength their overall national power. A good logis tic system planning is one of the most effective me ans of improving regional logistic system. For the purpose of improv ing the regional logistic system and logistic park planning, this paper, focusing on the design of logistic system pl anning and freight transportation, propose an ideal set of planning system and utilize the prediction model and network model to analyze and expound on the land layout an d its functions, with the instruction of micro-simulation theory for logistic park planning and the advanced experience d of other countries

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