Original Articles: 2011 Vol: 3 Issue: 2
Studies on Vigna Mungo Mucilage as a pharmaceutical excipient
The present work was aimed to isolate the mucilage using microwave assisted extraction
technique and to evaluate its excipient properties. The yield was found to be 22.56g/kg. The
drugs and the isolated mucilage powder were found to be compatible as confirmed by the IR
spectral studies. The sedimentation rates of the prepared suspensions using a model drug
metronidazole were similar to that of the marketed sample and they were easily redispersible
and do not form a hard cake. The drug content of all the prepared suspension formulations was
found to be in the range of 94.2-96.1%. The isolated mucilage was also studied for its binding
nature using ibuprofen as a model drug. The prepared granules were free flowing and the
compressed tablets showed good hardness and friability as compared with the starch and
marketed product, thereby confirming the mechanical resistance of the tablets. The drug content
of all the prepared tablet formulations was found to be between 93.0-99.45%. The rate of drug
release from tablet formulations using mucilage as binder was fast when compared to
formulations containing starch and marketed product. Formulation F4 (1:2 ratio) of the
prepared ibuprofen tablets showed similar release profile in comparison with the marketed
product. The drug release mechanism for the formulation F4 was predicted as first order model
with the r2 value of 0.9632.