Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2015 Vol: 7 Issue: 5

Studies on the risk evaluation of landslide geological disaster in Wulong County


The risk evaluation of Regional landslide geological disaster is based on collection, analysis and processing the landslide geological disasters and the relationship between influencing factors , using GIS platform and technology, build appropriate mathematical evaluation model, calculate the degree of risk of each evaluation unit, and then divided into corresponding level of risk, and analysis of regional geological disasters risk zoning.[]This article assumed that the study area is a certain hierarchy and uncertain system. The hierarchical analysis model is adopted to establish the impact factor of evaluation index system, on the weight of each influence factor of landslide risk quantitative analysis, Also, through the overlay analysis function of GIS for landslide risk evaluation and zoning for qualitative analysis.

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