Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2017 Vol: 9 Issue: 3

Sanitary Surveillance in Drugstores: Construction and Validation of Questionnaire for Inspection


The sanitary surveillance, inserted in the collective health, that it integrates the public health, has its action mark in the prevention and in the control of risks, in the protection and promotion of health. The drugstores, establishments with important social paper that it is it of protecting the health of the population, they converge with the reason of existing of the sanitary surveillance. It was aimed at to elaborate and to validate an inspection guide for drugstores to the light of the applied legislation. The research is descriptive, of documental character, traverse with quantitative approach, it has as sample the pharmaceutical district attorney of the municipal district of Fortaleza-Ceará-Brazil, full in the regional six administrative that are responsible for 670 drugstores. The research was submitted to the Committee of Ethics in Research with Human beings. The collection, after approval for the Committee of Ethics, felt in three stages. In the first there was the presentation of the research to the professionals, the signature of the Informed Consent (IC) and also for three consultants in drugstore (the judges). Questionnaires were given for the judges and the instrument for validation. In the second stage they were made adjustments according to the participants' suggestions. In the third stage the questionnaire was submitted an evaluation protocol in validity terms and reliability and validated. It was observed in a concomitant way: Interns Consistence; Validity of Content; Criterion validity; Construct validity and Trustworthiness. It was ended that the study is of extreme social relevance, for looking for the optimization of the operability of the sanitary fiscal work in drugstores, in order to minimize the risks in the commercialization of medicines and other services.

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