Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2019 Vol: 11 Issue: 3

Relative Study of Different Fractions of Ceiba Pentandra by Analgesic Activity


Analgesic effects of the tannin and flavonoid fractions extract of the bark and leaves of Ceiba pentandra Gaertn (Bombacaceae) were recorded in rat. The pain was studied using analgesiometer with help ofhot plate and tail flick Methods. Tannin and flavonoid fractions extract of Ceiba pentandra presents in significant analgesic activity. Tannins and Flavonoids present in the extract seem to be responsible for the activity. It is commonly used in anti-bacterial, wound healing, anti-inflammatory activities etc. comparatively checking with tannins and flavonoids fractions extracts shows hyper amount of flavonoids present in leaves, hyper amount of tannins presents in bark.

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