Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2011 Vol: 3 Issue: 2

QSAR studies on bisaryl substituted thiazoles and oxazoles as PPAR�Ž�´ agonists


A linear quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) model is presented for modeling and predicting the agonistic activity of PPARδ receptor. The model was produced by using the multiple linear regression (MLR) technique on a compound database that consists of newly discovered bisaryl substituted thiazoles and oxazoles. The major conclusion of this study is that molecular weight, wiener index, andrews affinity and polar surface area affect significantly the agonistic activity of PPARδ receptor by bisaryl substituted thiazoles and oxazoles. The selected QSAR descriptors serve as a primary guidance for the design of novel and selective PPARδ receptor agonists.

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