Original Articles: 2014 Vol: 6 Issue: 7
Property rights nature, institutional investor�¢����s investment style and investment efficiency
The paper sampled from Chinese listed firms over the period 2005-2011, we investigate whether institutional
investors can optimize corporate resource allocation efficiency, and to what extent the optimization influenced by
ultimate controlling shareholders or institutional investors investment style. We find that institution ownership can
really promote corporate resource allocation efficiency; further, mutual fund and dedicated mutual fund can cut
down over-investment as well as alleviate under-investment. Finally, Institutional investors exert a more significant
influence on corporate resource allocation efficiency in government-controlled enterprises; especially in localgovernment-
controlled enterprises. What’s more, our evidence indicates that the dedicated mutual fund is the main
driver of this enhancement. It suggests that: Changing role of government can help institutional investors better
protect minority investors' interests; encourage institutional investors differentiated development; improve
corporate government, make the dedicated mutual fund take activism.