Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2015 Vol: 7 Issue: 4

Poultry immunity against Ranikhet Disease Virus (RDV)- A case study of an indigenous poultry medication in village production systems of Maharashtra, India


Poultry production is important for availability of low cost bioavailable protein and a means for diversified economic activity in rural society. These village production units have to depend on animal husbandry department for protection against disease outbreak more specifically Ranikhet disease virus (RDV). The present mode of vaccination program could not able to control RDV for larger geographical areas effectively. Different measures need to be identified to complement veterinary institutional effort for welfare of birds as well as public health. In this context, it is paramount that the knowledge of indigenous system needs to be recognized for sustaining quality veterinary services. The research study had identified an experimental broiler unit affected with RDV and tested the efficacy of an indigenous herbal medication (AHP/RDV/YR/T5) under village production system. The level of antibody titre against RDV was measured by Haemagglutination Inhibition (HI) test and it was found that adult stage test group of broiler birds had significant humoral response than control group. The clinical protection of experimental broiler birds from RDV through local knowledge system was confirmed therapeutically. These low cost medications need to be strengthened through demonstrations at different locale for poultry owners so as to adopt and benefit. This approach illustrates an alternative means for reducing input cost and minimizing higher technical application at rural units in protecting welfare of birds.

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