Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2015 Vol: 7 Issue: 10

Phytochemical screening, antifungal and antimycotoxicological effect of Acacia raddiana leaves of south-west Algeria


Although the Sahara is desert country the most unfa vourable to the growth of human beings live, port p lants planted as Acacia raddiana, thrive in an environment as hos tile. The objective of this study is inscribed to t he antifongic and antimycotoxicologic evaluation of the effect of aqu eous and ethanolic extracts and macerates exits of the leaves of the Acacia raddiana pushing at Bechar against fungi c strains toxinogenes eventually Aspergillus flavus - parasiticus and Aspergillus ochraceus. Screening phytochimic sh own that the extracts subjects of this study are ri ch with flavonoïdes, saponosides and tanins. The evaluatio n of the radial growth on solid medium Potatoes Dex trose Agar reveals that the ethanolic extract and macerate of leaves induced an inhibiting action importance on t he two strains. It is noted that the extrcts and the aqueous macer ats have proclamation a waek effect antifongic wit h respect to the strains. The diameter of the fungal growth was 25 , 38, 40 and 48 mm respectively for ethanolic extra ct, aqueous extract, ethanolic macerate and aqueous macerate n ote that the diameter of the witness is 60 mm for A spergillus flavus-parasiticus, and 26, 28, 30 and 32 mm respec tively for ethanolic extract, ethanolic macerate, aqueous extract and aqueous macerate note that the diamete r of the witness is 40 mm Aspergillus ochraceus. Th e antifongic expertise on the effect on liquid medium Yeast Extract Sucrose revealed a decrease in the weight of fungal biomass formed by comparing the witness. The antimycotoxico logic test of aqueous/ethanolic extracts and aqueou s/ethanolic macerate revealed an inhibiting action of productio n of aflatoxins and Ochratoxin A respectively by A. flavus- parasiticus and A.ochraceus.

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