Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2015 Vol: 7 Issue: 5

Phyllanthus amarus possesses malarial curative and pancreatic tonic potentials in experimental mice


Phyllanthus amarus has been observed to be protective against malarial-induced free radical generation and oxidative damage to the RBCs, liver and brain by inhibiting plasmodial growth. In this study, the curative and pancreatic tonic potentials of P. amarus in experimental mice were undertaken by assessing antiplasmodial activity and associated mice survival rate (curative), and pancreatic antioxidant capacity, oxidative damage, beta-cell function and microstructural changes (tonic). Results show that P.berghei malarial parasite infection caused oxidative damage to the pancreas. P. amarus malarial curative ability compared well with the standard chloroquine treatment. It significantly (P<0.05) enhanced pancreatic antioxidant defense capacity and beta-cell function but reduced oxidative damage when compared with the control, malarial infected and chloroquine-treated groups. P. amarus also invigorated the pancreas of the malarial infected mice as evidenced by the microstructural analysis. P. amarus malarial curative ability is associated with pancreatic cell replenishment.

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