Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2016 Vol: 8 Issue: 1

Pharmacognostic evaluation of Drymoglossum heterophyllum-(L)C. Chr.


Drymoglossum heterophyllum-(L)C.Chr. is an epiphytic fern which is commonly known as Dragon Scales is an important medicinal plant belonging to Pteridaceae family. The leaves are used for many medicinal purposes. This study provides taxonomical, pharmacological and physicochemical details helpful in laying down standardization and pharmacopoeial parameters. The diagnostic characters are aseptate trichomes anomocytic stomata, reddish brown sclerenchyma and thick walled cuticle. The physicochemical studies revealed total moisture content(8.65%), total ash value(7.75%), water soluble ash(4.42%), acid insoluble ash value(3.466%), Alcohol soluble extractive(4.157 %) water soluble extractive value(7.85%), Crude fibre content(18.18%) and total chlorophyll content ( 0.449/g ).

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