Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2015 Vol: 7 Issue: 10

Modulation effect of diarylheptanoids on interleukin 1�Ž�²-related immune responses of bone-marrow macrophage


Pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1 β is produced as inactive precursor form in inflamma tory process, it needs to be cleaved to active form, and mediates acute inflamma tory responses. The inflammasome is cytosolic prote in complex regulating maturation of pro-IL-1 β and IL-18 peptide, and composed of a NALP that act s as a sensor for danger signal and ASC, which recruits caspase-1 in the com plex. Forcontact dermatitis in the skin, sensitizin g allergen promotesactivation of inflammasome and causes delay ed-type hypersensitivity. As selectively blocking o f inflammasome activity or IL-1 β secretion may be useful to control contact dermati tis or related diseases, here we investigated suppressive activities of Oregonine an d Hirsutenone purified from Alnustinctoria Sarg. on IL- 1 β secretion. Results of this study showes that Oregon ine and Hursutenone are effectively suppressed IL- 1 β secretion; ED50 of Hirstenone is lower than that of Oregonine. These results suggest that Hirsternone and Oregonine are nice candidates for immune disease in cluding atopic dermatitis and psoriasis.

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