Reviews: 2010 Vol: 2 Issue: 1
Medicinal uses and health benefits of Honey: An Overview
Honey is highly nutritious, it has traces of minera ls and vitamins not to mention the antioxidants which destroy free radicals and de lay ageing. In short, it is a safe and wholesome food for old, children and adults. Althou gh not an herb, honey is a plant by-product and used medicinally around the world. Honey is als o an energizer, helping workers and athletes overcome fatigue and regain energy. Children, young and old can alike take honey, without worrying any side effects. Honey is a multivitamin tonic, has antibacterial properties and has antioxidants. Nausea, cough, cold etc can be treate d by taking honey with a tsp of tulsi (basil) leaf juice. Asthmatic persons can also benefit from taking honey everyday. Ayurveda acknowledges honey as a wonder medicine capable of providing longevity. Osteoporosis is another condition, which can be prevented by taking honey regularly. Modern researches have underpinned the wonderful effects of honey, proving honey to be effective against advanced cases of stomach and bone cancer. Taking one tables poon honey with one tsp cinnamon powder three times a day and cancer symptoms receded in on e month. Honey has several antioxidants, effective against cancer growth. You can take honey alone or with milk or water, with or without a pinch of cinnamon powder. Make honey a habit; it will keep you healthy, strong and fruitful. Honey is anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal , and all of these properties make it ideal for healing wounds. It also dries out wounds effectivel y because of its low water content while its high sugar content keeps microorganisms from growin g. Honey also contains an enzyme that produces the disinfectant hydrogen peroxide when it touches a damp surface like a wound.