Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2015 Vol: 7 Issue: 10

Magnetic and corrosion properties of 316L and 316LVM after high temperature gas nitriding


Recently, biocompatibility is not only concern to t he metallic biomaterial, but also MRI safety and co mpatible, should be considered. If the corrosion resistance m ay be used as the biocompatibility requirements, MR I safety and compatibility need a stable non-magnetic metallic b iomaterial. The improvements of austenitic stainles s steel 316L and 316LVM by low temperature nitriding results wea kly magnetic properties which lead to MRI unsafe an d incompatible due to the formation of M-nitride. Hig h temperature gas nitriding promises for enhancing corrosion resistance without generate M-nitride. HTGN treatme nts for 316L and 316LVM are successfully done at temperature 1050 o C and 15 minutes holding time. Polarization test by vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) and XR diffraction confirm that the HTGN treatments abl e to improve corrosion resistance and enhance the n on- magnetic properties of both 316L and 316LVM.

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