Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2015 Vol: 7 Issue: 4

Kinetic study on induced electron transfer reaction in pentaammine cobalt(III) complexes of �Ž�±-hydroxy acids by nicotinium dichromate (NDC) in micellar medium


Nicotinium DiChromate (NDC) oxidation of pentaamminecobalt(III)complexes of α-hydroxy acids in micellar medium yielding nearly 100% of carbonyl compounds are ultimate products. The decrease in UV-visible absorbance at l=502 nm for Co(III) complex corresponds to nearly 100% of the initial absorbance. The stoichiometry of unbound ligand and cobalt(III) complex is accounting for about 100% reduction at the cobalt(III) centre. The kinetic and stoichiometric results have been accounted by a suitable mechanism.

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