Original Articles: 2015 Vol: 7 Issue: 10
Invitro comparison of dissolution profiles and antimicrobial activity of three brands of amoxicillin from Mangalore
To know whether the generic formulations of Amoxici llin Trihydrate is as effective as branded formulat ion. A branded, generic branded and generic version of Amo xicillin trihydrate dispersible tablets were procur ed and coded as A, B and C. They were compared for the disintegr ation time, dissolution time and in-vitro antimicro bial activity. The disintegration time was measured using the disi ntegration apparatus. The dissolution rate (0.1 N H Cl at 37 0 C) was measured using USP2 paddle apparatus. The antim icrobial activity was assessed on E.coli grown on M ueller Hinton agar. The disintegration times were (A) 21 s econds, (B) 51 seconds and (C) 80 seconds. The diss olution rates at 15 minutes were 98.1%, 95.7% and 83.9%. Th e zone of inhibition was found to be (A) 2.9 cms, ( B) 2.6 cms and (C) 2.2 cms. The results show that the 3 produc ts are similar and interchangeable.