Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2014 Vol: 6 Issue: 7

Investigation and analysis of urban migrant children health care


To understand the current health status of urban migrant children aged 0~6 in Zhengzhou and analyze the main problem and reason for that. This investigation and analysis had adopted stratified cluster sampling method, to investigate the health situation of urban migrant children aged 0~6, including growth and development, health care system, immunization, etc. It could properly solve the problem of urban migrant for relevant department institutions provide a scientific basis. There are a plenty of matters shall be improved for the urban migrant in Zhengzhou, and shall be systematical managed, such as registration system, routine vaccination schedules, immunization schedules, physical examination schedules. The Urban migrant children shall be regarded as a main work content to grasp of public health, program, and toke proper solutions to urban migrant children health problems and corresponding measures for current requirement.

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