Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2014 Vol: 6 Issue: 12

In silico analysis of interaction of silver nitrate with Braun lipoprotein in bacterial cell wall


Silver nitrate with chemical formula of AgNO3 is an organic compound which have been used for a long times as an antibacterial agent with high antimicrobial and anti-fungi properties. The outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria contains abundant copies of a few proteins, the so-called ajorouter membrane proteins.In this study Molegro virtual docker (MVD) is used. The results obtained from docking showed that the best pose which is derived from MolDock score for Braun lipoprotein was -36.4966 with reranking score equal to-47. 8616. Bioinformatic studies show that silver nitrate has interaction with protein Braun lipoprotein.

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