Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2015 Vol: 7 Issue: 4

Impact of urbanization on groundwater quality of Bhagalpur city: Deterioration of water quality and its sustainable management


With the explosion of population the world over, the deterioration of water quality is quite obvious, particularly usable water. Urbanization has played great role in lowering of water table and deterioration of water quality in Bhagalpur city. The quantity as well as quality of drinking water of this region is highly affected. Last five years study revealed that groundwater level has been declining nearly 5 ft. per year. Similarly ground water contamination is increasing day by day. Arsenic and fluoride contamination have become menace for this area. Microbial contamination is also in the race. The inhabitants of this area have been suffering from fluorosis (fluoride contamination), skin lesion, di-pigmentation (arsenic contamination) and water born diseases. The study report is mainly based on the detection of Coli form in drinking water sources of the city. Out of 20 samples, 17 were found positive to coliform test.

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