Original Articles: 2019 Vol: 11 Issue: 3
HPLC Profile and In vitro Antioxidant Properties of the n-butanol Extract of Linaria tingitana Boiss. and Reut.
The study was performed to assess the antioxidant properties of the n-butanol extract of the Algerian endemic specie Linaria tingitana Boiss. and Reut., using different tests (DPPH• radical, β-carotene-linoleic acid, ferric-reducing power and ferrous-chelating ability). The phytochemical investigation was based on total phenolic and flavonoids contents together with the HPLC analysis which led us to identify twelve constituents (gallic acid 1, chlorogenic acid 2, hydroxycafeic acid 3, caffeic acid 4, vanillic acid 5, syringic acid 6, rutin 7, luteolin 8, ferulic acid 9, coumaric acid 10, quercetin 11 and chrysin 12). Results showed that the n-BuOH extract exhibited an antioxidant activity as reflected by the DPPH• scavenging effect, ferric reducing power, and ferrous-chelating ability, (IC50: 122.26, 19.39 and 113.13 μg/mL, respectively) and β-carotene inhibition (59.358 %). In addition, the quantity of the compounds (total phenolic and flavonoids contents) confirmed the obtained data. These results indicate that L. tingitana can be used as functional products.