Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2015 Vol: 7 Issue: 5

Growth and structural characterization of l-lysine 4-nitrophenolate monohydrate (LLPNP) optical single crystals


The compound LLPNP crystallizes in orthorhombic system, P21 21 21 space group with four molecules in the asymmetric unit. The crystal data for LLPNP is tabled. The lysine molecule (C1-C6/N1/N2/O1/O2) is protonated while the paranitrophenol molecule is deprotonated (C7-C12/N3/O3/O4/O5). The paranitrophenol moiety makes a dihedral angle of 85.87 (9)° with the lysine moiety which shows that they are almost orthogonal to each other. The phenyl ring adopts a planar conformation with C7 atom having a maximum deviation of 0.0013 (14) Å. The oxygen atom O3 attached with the phenyl ring deviates by 0.0004 (1) Å. The nitro group (N3/O4/O5) makes a dihedral angle of 2.63 (1)° with the phenyl ring to which it is attached.

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