Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2015 Vol: 7 Issue: 10

Geological target-driven volume rendering local enhance lighting design


It is a conceptually simple process to compute illu mination in many scenes. However, in seismic data p rocessing, the researchers often encounter a lot of 3D discret e data. Compared with other areas of data, seismic data has the characteristics of big data volume and high discret e degree. As a result, the naive application of thi s methodology can lead to erroneous results which can’t meet the requirements. Phong (1975) put forward an experienc e model used to calculate the brightness of specular reflec tion of a surface. The least number of experiments are committed to improve the basic model to make better effect or accelerate the speed while few people apply it to seismic data. The purpose of our study was to present a semi-auto matic method that allows the user to manually desig n the interesting areas and change the coefficient of cla ssical model to solve the problem of 3D seismic dat a imaging. Use the multi-resolution voxel management and accel eration arithmetic based on GPU which support seism ic data of big volume.

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