Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2014 Vol: 6 Issue: 6

Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation and markov chain-based sports major teaching quality comprehensive evaluation research


In order to improve sports teaching effects, the paper firstly carries out fuzzy qualitative and quantitative analysis of teaching quality evaluation indicator system’s numerous factors; divide teaching evaluation into learning attitude, learning method, learning ability, learning efficiency and faculty level five items evaluation factors. Apply fuzzy comprehensive evaluation principle and method. Construct sports teaching quality evaluation model, and transform it into centesimal system fraction. Use MATLAB to process with data, solve each class comprehensive score, finally on the basis of Markov chain, propose to construct transfer matrix on the basis of forward and post value state are consistent, and by proper handling, refine changing information from transfer matrix, and provide theoretical and practical evidence for reasonable, effective evaluate sports teaching effects.

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