Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2015 Vol: 7 Issue: 4

Foreign language teaching principles in multimedia network environment


With the rapid development of the economy, the development of information technology gets a qualitative leap, and this technology is also applied to the foreign language teaching process. In today’s multimedia network environment, the teaching principle of foreign language from the original dispersion one, evolved intoa integrated teaching principle. It will combine the dominant type of independent learning principles, multiple evaluation principles and the interactive teaching principle as a whole and follows the basic rules of learning, teaching and assessment. In addition, the goal of the foreign language teaching is always the same, with the promotion of the basic guiding function, the multimedia network environment can integrate the active cognitive and the interactive experience, also coordinate and blend the internal circulation system in the original language teaching with the external network in multimedia environment, and realize the socialization and communication of the foreign language teaching process, which makes an adequate preparation for achieving the maximize efficiency and optimization quality of foreign language teaching.

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