Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2015 Vol: 7 Issue: 4

First polyphasic identification of clostridium celerecrescens from Luzhou-flavor liquor pit mud


In this study, a combination of morphology, physiology, molecular approaches and gas chromatography wereutilized to identify the taxonomy of a novel strain isolated from the mud of 180-year old pit. The results demonstrated that the strain, which was nominated strain K-2 ,utilized D- glucose, mannitol, inulin, L- arabinose, D- sucrose and other carbon sources, possessed hydrolysis activities of urease, esculin and gelatin, the phylogenetic analysis based on the 16S rRNA gene sequence(1346bp) positioned the novel strain among the genus celerecrescens strain in GenusI Clostridium, and the strain demonstrated a highly efficient production of caproic acid (547.26mg / 100mL) and butyric acid capacity (382.45 mg / 100mL) , but hardly produced ethyl caproate and ethyl butyrate. This study was the first report of a isolate identified as Clostridium celerecrescens from Luzhou-flavor Liquor Pit Mud, and the strain was endowed with the highly efficient production of caproic acid property.

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