Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2015 Vol: 7 Issue: 4

Finite element analysis of interference fit between the car swing arm and shaft sleeve


Analyze the problem of automotive arm and sleeve assembly interference by using the finite element simulation. The results show: without considering the impact on the taper to the contact, the contact surface pressure and axial pressure generated at the outer sleeve chamfer will increase and radial contact pressure will reduce with the increase of the amount of interference. Considering the impact on the taper to the contact, the beginning of the keystone interference has the same situation with no interference 0.1mm taper. With the push carrying on, the axial force decrease rapidly and is higher than the resulting value of no interference 0.2mm taper situations, and the half of the beginning of the keystone interference is the same as the keystone interference, but with the push carrying on, the axial force decrease rapidly and is higher than the resulting value of keystone interference, and is more higher than the resulting value of no interference 0.2mm taper situations. Trapezoidal and half trapezoidal interference generated in the radial interference contact with the contact surface has the same pressure value, and the results are higher than the value under the conditions of no taper affections, and its pressure value is higher up to 40%.

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