Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2015 Vol: 7 Issue: 4

Extraction and simple characterization of anthocyanin compounds from Rubus rosifolius Sm fruit


Rubus rosifolius Sm is a species of the genus Rubus, Rosaceae family. Rubus rosifolius Sm fruit was thought to contain anthocyanin from phytochemical test results. Extraction of Rubus rosifolius Sm fruit has been performed with maceration method by acidified ethanol with acetic acid to pH 1. Characterization of anthocyanins was carried out with UV-Vis spectroscopy method, to observe the stability of anthocyanin against pH and temperature, and to characterize of anthocyanins by HPLC-DAD method. Rubus rosifolius Sm fruit was thought to contain dominant anthocyanin compounds pelargonidin type, anthocyanin compounds in the fruit of Rubus rosifolius Sm can be applied as an alternative as dyes in foods that have acidic pH. Extraction of anthocyanins in Rubus rosifolius Sm fruit with acidified ethanol with acetic acid was more stable compared acidified ethanol with citric acid.

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