Original Articles: 2014 Vol: 6 Issue: 7
Exercise load research on common technical method in taekwondo training courses
In the taekwondo competition, kicked technology is the most common and is also the main means of scori ng. Its purpose is to hit target with the fastest speed, wh ich making the opponent off guard and scoring. In o rder to achieve this purpose, distal part must get the greatest pos sible speed, which requires lower links attempt to hit the direction of movement, and the other part of the body must be coordination with certain features. Through the an alysis of kinematics, this article reveal space motion rule a nd characteristics of each link in taekwondo horizo ntal kicking action, and through the analysis of the kinematics characteristics, exploring the influence of movemen t of each section of the body on the quality of the horizonta l on taekwondo kicks. In order to help Taekwondo at hletes and coaches do teaching and training.