Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2014 Vol: 6 Issue: 10

Effect of xanthotoxin on SGC-7901 cells proliferation and Autophagy


Discussion of xanthotoxin (8-MOP) inhibiting effect on human gastric carcinoma SGC - 7901 cells, its effection on autophagy and its mechanism in vitro. Determined by MTT assay to detect different concentrations (10,20,40,80,160 μg / mL) of 8-MOP effected SGC-7901 cells after 48 h. Autophagosome was observed by transmission electron microscope.The contents of calcium ions was assayed by confocal laser.8-MOP obviously inhibited the SGC-7901 cell proliferation, its inhibition was in relationship with concentration-response. Transmission electron microscope observation showed that it generated a lot of autophagosome. 8 - MOP made intracellular calcium ion concentration elevated and it was dose-dependent manner. Its mechanism might be associated with the increase of intracellular Ca2 + concentration.

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