Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2015 Vol: 7 Issue: 5

Effect of physical activity on the balance of type 2 diabetes in the west of Algeria


The aim of the present study was to improve evaluate the effect of a physical activity program for a period of 7 months, on glycemic control and its relationship with cardiovascular risk factors (blood pressure, BMI, blood lipids), in Algerian diabetic type 2 patients. Fifty T2D (22 men/28 women), aged of 52±10 years, were maintained between 08h and 16h in a day hospital of Mascara city, and submitted to a program of physical activity for seven months. Clinical parameters and metabolic disorders were determined. Results showed significant reduction in body mass index (5%), systolic and diastolic blood pressure (1%) and (8%) respectively, fasting blood glucose (27%), post-effort and post-prandial glycemia (35% and 38%), and HbA1c (9%). Moreover, a decrease in cholesterolemia (9%), triglyceridemia (12%), LDLc (12%) and a significant increase of HDLc (2%) were observed. This study shows that a regular exercise, combined with a balanced diet constitute the main management of the type 2 diabetes.

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