Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2014 Vol: 6 Issue: 7

Dynamic load balance scheme based on access selection and calls transfer in heterogeneous wireless networks


In heterogeneous network environment integrated multiple radio access technology, the nonuniform distribution of users’ calls in time and space is the important factor affecting the performance of heterogeneous wireless network. In order to improve the performance of heterogeneous wireless network, a novel dynamic load balance scheme based on access selection and calls transfer was proposed. In this paper, access selection was modeled as a constrained optimization problem, the access calls was assigned to all base station evenly in accordance with the optimization result. In addition, in order to weaken the destructiveness of sudden calls from hot area to the system load balance, a calls transfer strategy based on the threshold of base station load rate was given. Experimental result shows that the proposed solution performs better than literature solutions in access blocking rate, calls dropping rate, load balance and system utilization rate, and has the advantage of good application value.

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