Original Articles: 2011 Vol: 3 Issue: 6
Design and Development of Hydrodynamically Balanced Tablet of Itopride
Hydrodynamically Balanced Systems is an approach to increase the gastric residence time of drugs in stomach. This system is designed for site-specific oral drugs with low bulk density than gastric fluid so as to buoyant the dosage forms in stomach to increase the residence time of the drug. In the present investigation, an attempt has been made to design hydrodynamically balanced drug delivery systems for itopride using HPMC K100M, HPMC K4M, and Xanhtan gum polymers. Different batches of matrix tablets of itopride were prepared using various drugs to polymer ratio by direct compression method. The compressed tablets were evaluated for physical characteristics, drug content, floating time, floating lag time, in-vitro dissolution, stability study and FTIR spectroscopy. FTIR study showed that there is no chemical interaction between drug and excipients. All the formulation passes various physico-chemical tests. F4 formulation showed a buoyancy lag time of less than 75 Sec and floating time of more than 12hrs. From the in vitro drug release profile it was found that matrix tablet containing HPMC K 4M showed 95.88% drug release in 12 hrs .It can be concluded that itopride released from the tablet follows zero order kinetics with peppas model with non-Fickian diffusion.