Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2014 Vol: 6 Issue: 8

Design and application of a foam system used for dust control on fully mechanized heading face


A foam dust suppression system for fully mechanized heading face was designed, which mainly composed of foaming agent storage tank, pressured water pipe, compressed air pipe, water-air linkage valve, foaming agent adding device (jet proportional mixer), foam generator, foam dispenser and foam nozzles. In this system, pressured water and compressed air was taken as the driving force without any electric device, and the water-air linkage valve was used to simultaneously control the pressure-water pipe and compressed-air pipe. This new foam system integrates water-air linkage control, foaming agent automatically adding, foam generation and foam injection parts, with the characteristics of inherent safety and convenient operation, which makes it suitable for controlling cutting dust at heading face of underground coal mines.

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