Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2015 Vol: 7 Issue: 10

Corrosion inhibition of carbon steel by tween 20 self-assembling monolayers


Well-ordered self-assembled mono layers using Trito n X 100 were formed on the carbon steel surface by immersion method. This leads to ordered, strong mono layers b ound to the surface. Monolayer formation takes plac e when carbon steel is immersed in well water in presence of 200 ppm of Triton X 100 and 50 ppm of Zn2+ for one day and rinsing the adsorbed molecules in distilled water a nd heating in a hot air oven. The formulations of m ono layers were confirmed by FTIR spectra. The self-assembled mono layers were tested by polarization and SEM ana lysis. The nano film is found to be hydrophobic in nature. This is confirmed by measurement of contact angles .

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