Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2014 Vol: 6 Issue: 6

Comparative study of Chinese and foreign sports ideological development based on SPSS factor analysis


Since ancient times, Chinese traditional culture and thinking have already ingrained in Chinese mind. From beginning to end, we ignore the physical education and just consider that only the cultural achievement will decide everything, which leads to a common phenomenon-the poor body qualities of college students. At present, the way how to improve the overall quality of students and highlight the importance of sports implement has become a key problem of present education. In this paper, we use the method of comparative analysis, combining with the concept of development to make a comparative study on Chinese and foreign sports thoughts by starting from the combination of physical education and health curriculum aspects and introducing several representatives of physical education teaching methods and Chinese teaching thoughts. We use factor analysis method to analyze several physical education modes in order to discuss the development prospects of sports thoughts at home and abroad, and further, we put forward that Chinese sports should draw lessons from foreign sports education ideas. It also emphasizes that the development of physical education teaching is the model of lifelong education, and the key lies in the students' healthy development, which will eventually be individualized, specialized, socialized thought through students' study life. Chinese sports should draw lessons from foreign sports education thought idea and emphasize the development trend of physical education is life-long education model.

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