Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2015 Vol: 7 Issue: 4

Bio-removal of toxic Cr (VI) by marine bacteria, Halomonas sp.VITP09


Environmental contamination is also caused due to extensive use of hexavalent chromium in various industrial applications. Halomonas sp. VITP09, obtained from Kumta Coastal region of Karnataka, India was examined for their tolerance and ability to remove Cr (VI). The influence of different factors such as pH, NaCl concentration, Initial inoculum concentration and initial Cr(VI) concentration on Cr(VI) removal and growth were studied. Halomonassp.VITP09 showed complete removal of 50,100 and 300 mg/l in 16, 24 and 72 h of time duration. The results indicated that the Halomonassp.VITP09 has high potential for Cr (VI) remediation under saline condition.

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