Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2015 Vol: 7 Issue: 4

Biodiesel production by Base-catalyzed trans-esterification of sunflower and date seed oils using methanol: Optimization of parameters


In this study, the optimized experimental conditions to obtain the partial trans- esterification of sunflower and palm kernel oil with methanol, using KOH and NaOH as an alkaline catalyst, for biodiesel producing (methyl esters) were performed. The effect of various parameters including reaction temperature (40-60ºC), reaction time (30-60 min), quantity of catalyst (0.5-1.25 %wt.), and methanol on oil ratio (1:3-1:6) on the efficiency of biodiesel production were tested. Maximum biodiesel (98.12%) was produced by KOH catalyst at reaction time of 60min, temperature 60 ºC and methanol to oil ratio of 4:1. The optimum conditions for biodiesel production and biodiesel properties for the both catalysts were determined based on 14214EN and ASTM D6751 methods. Results showed that the best amount of catalysts to produce the biodiesel using sunflower oil and palm kernel oil was obtained 0.75 wt. %. in both catalysts.

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