Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2015 Vol: 7 Issue: 10

Association between SLC30A8 C/T (rs13266634) polymorphism and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM): A meta-analysis of case-control studies


Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) is the most common metabolic disease characterized by hyper-glycemia, due to impaired insulin secretion or action. One of the mo st studied genes is SLC30A8 (ZnT8) which is express ed majorly in pancreatic β -cells and participates in storage and transport of insulin. To analyze the association between Zn + transporter 8 gene (SLC30A8 rs 13266634) polymorphi sm and T2DM. In this study a systematic electronic search in PubMed, Google Scholar, Embase, Science Direct a nd Web of Science was carried out by two investigat ors. Pooled odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence interv als (95% CIs) were calculated to assess the strengt h of the association by using MedCalc ® 15.4 software. Based on the inclusion and exclusio n criteria, fourteen studies belonging to the Asian population involving 9232 T2 DM patients and 8384 controls were considered in th e Meta- analysis. The combined overall analysis revealed th at the CC genotype of SLC30A8 C/T polymorphism exhi bited a significant association with T2DM (Dominant model: OR=0.858; 95% CI=0.792-0.929; P<0.001) explaining t he risk of C allele with diabetes. In the subgroup dom inant model frequency comparison also the results i ndicated that rs13266634 C/T polymorphism was significantly assoc iated with increased T2DM risk among E. Asians (OR = 0.612, 95% CI: 0.539 –0.6996, P < 0.001). Similarly , the Additive model revealed association of C/T wi th T2DM risk in S. Asians (OR = 0.967, 95% CI: 0.799 –1.17, P < 0.047). The present meta-analysis result indic ates that C allele of SLC30A8 C/T polymorphism is associated wi th risk of T2DM in the Asian continent. However, la rger prospective studies are needed to validate such met a-analysis

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