Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (ISSN : 0975-7384)

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Original Articles: 2015 Vol: 7 Issue: 7

Application new chitosan derivatives as inhibitor corrosion on steel with coating method


Steel corrosionl could be inhibited with two new chitosan derivates, carboxymethyl chitosan-urea-glutaricacid (CMChi-UGLU) and carboxymethyl chitosan-benzadehyde(CMChi-B). The corrosion process in chloric acid and sodium chloride solution media could inhibit corrosion by coating method. The maximum of inhibition efficiency achieved by CMChi-B is 99.79 % in 2M HCl as media and for CMChi-UGLU the maximum of inhibition efficiency is 92.59 % in 2 % NaCl solution as media.

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