Original Articles: 2019 Vol: 11 Issue: 2
Anti-Helminthic Activity of Bauhinia X blackeana Linn Leaves
Present work is concentrated on the Anti-helminthic activity of Bauhinia X blackeana leaves. The leaves pooled from Vaageshwari College of Pharmacy, Timmapur, Karimnagar, The pooled leaves are cleaned for the foreign matter to remove the stem and other plant related which are not the leaves made moisture free and set to pulverization and passed through the mesh No 40 and then the extraction method chosen were soxlation and the choice of solvent is methanol. The secondary metabolites present in the plant are known by the identification tests and they are alkaloids, terpenoids, carbohydrates, phenols, tannins, glycosides, flavonoids, proteins, steroids, and amino acids. The extract is studied for the anti-helminthic activity on Indian earthworm Pheretima posthuma. The extract showed the dose dependent immobility and mortality of worms. Methanol extract 20 mg/ml was more effective in causing mortality of the worms as well as promoting immobility.