Original Articles: 2014 Vol: 6 Issue: 7
Analysis of crystallization behaviour of ge2sb2te5 used in optical and electrical memory devices
We investigated three different modelling approaches to simulate crystallization behaviour of Ge2Sb2Te5 used in
optical and electrical phase-change memories. First of these models is based on Johnson-Mehl-Avrami-Kolmogorov
(JMAK) formalism to calculate the fraction of crystallized material during isothermal anneals. In the literature this
model is widely used, but parameters of the model reported by different investigators varies wildly. We have showed
that these discrepancies can be attributed to the ill-use of the theory. In order to overcome the restrictions put by the
JMAK theory generalizations based on the classical nucleation theory have been suggested. Material parameters
required by the theory, like viscosity, diffusivity, fusion enthalpy of Ge2Sb2Te5, have been deduced from published
experiments. Uncertainty in the material parameters in combination with approximate expressions used by the
classical nucleation theory, however, lead us to suggest a comprehensive model based on rate equations. Although it
is more complicated this modelling approach has yielded more favourable and reliable results. We have discussed
different simulation-experiment comparisons to illustrate the capabilities of the model.