Original Articles: 2011 Vol: 3 Issue: 6
Analysis of Antioxidant activity, Total Phenol, Total Flavonoid and screening of Phytocomponents in Pleurotus platypus and Pleurotus eous
Qualitative and quantitative Phytocomponents test were screened in Pleurotus eous and Pleurotus platypus, according to the results tannin, saponin, flavonoids, and Anthroquinones are presented in both the Pleurotus sp. But terpenoids was present in Pleurotus platypus. While Phlobatannins, Steroids, and Cardiac glycosides were absent in both Pleurotus species. Antioxidant activity was determined by DPPH method and the percentage of Pleurotus platypus was 95.2 % in paddy straw substrate. In banana substrates Pleurotus eous shows 87.4 %. Total Phenolic compound was higher 770mg/100gm in Pleurotus platypus which was cultivated in Black pod when compared to other substrates and Pleurotus eous shows highest 695mg/100gm amount in corn straw. The total flavonoid compound was higher in Pleurotus platypus which was cultivated in Teak leaves 473mg/100gm when compared to other substrates and Pleurotus eous shows highest amount 397mg/100gm in Paddy straw